
See the following instructions on how to install or update the package from common sources like PyPI. Developers can also install the packages with development dependencies. In case of local development, see the additional sections on how to run unit tests, type checks or how to build the documentation to create all the build artifacts.

See the list of necessary dependencies.

Using PIP to Install from PyPI

The following instruction are using PIP (Package Installer for Python) as a package manager and PyPI (Python Package Index) as a source of Python packages.

PIP might download further packages as listed in package dependencies.

Installing a Wheel Package from PyPI using PIP

Developers can install the pyEDAA.OSVVM package itself or the package with further dependencies for documentation generation (doc), running unit tests (test) or just all (all) dependencies.

See Dependencies for more details.

# Basic pyEDAA.OSVVM package
pip3 install pyEDAA.OSVVM

# Alternatively
python3 -m pip install pyEDAA.OSVVM
# Install with dependencies to generate documentation
pip3 install pyEDAA.OSVVM[doc]

# Alternatively
python3 -m pip install pyEDAA.OSVVM[doc]
# Install with dependencies to run unit tests
pip3 install pyEDAA.OSVVM[test]

# Alternatively
python3 -m pip install pyEDAA.OSVVM[test]
# Install with all developer dependencies
pip3 install pyEDAA.OSVVM[all]

# Alternatively
python3 -m pip install pyEDAA.OSVVM[all]
# Basic pyEDAA.OSVVM package
pip install pyEDAA.OSVVM

# Alternatively
py -m pip install pyEDAA.OSVVM
# Install with dependencies to generate documentation
pip install pyEDAA.OSVVM[doc]

# Alternatively
py -m pip install pyEDAA.OSVVM[doc]
# Install with dependencies to run unit tests
pip install pyEDAA.OSVVM[test]

# Alternatively
py -m pip install pyEDAA.OSVVM[test]
# Install with all developer dependencies
pip install pyEDAA.OSVVM[all]

# Alternatively
py -m pip install pyEDAA.OSVVM[all]

Referencing the package in requirements.txt

When pyEDAA.OSVVM is used by another Python package, it’s recommended to list the dependency to the pyEDAA.OSVVM package in a requirements.txt file.


pyEDAA.OSVVM ~= 0.3

Updating from PyPI using PIP

# Update pyEDAA.OSVVM
pip3 install -U pyEDAA.OSVVM

# Alternatively
python3 -m pip install -U pyEDAA.OSVVM
# Update pyEDAA.OSVVM
pip install -U pyEDAA.OSVVM

# Alternatively
py -m pip install -U pyEDAA.OSVVM

Uninstallation using PIP

# Uninstall pyEDAA.OSVVM
pip3 uninstall pyEDAA.OSVVM

# Alternatively
python3 -m pip uninstall pyEDAA.OSVVM
# Uninstall pyEDAA.OSVVM
pip uninstall pyEDAA.OSVVM

# Alternatively
py -m pip uninstall pyEDAA.OSVVM

Running unit tests

This package is provided with unit tests for pytest. The provided testcases can be executed locally for testing or development purposes. In addition, code coverage including branch coverage can be collected using All steps provide appropriate artifacts as XML or HTML reports. The artifact output directories are specified in pyproject.toml.

Ensure unit testing requirements are installed.


# Running unit tests using pytest
pytest -raP --color=yes tests/unit

# Running unit tests using pytest
pytest -raP --color=yes --junitxml=report/unit/unittest.xml --template=html1/index.html --report=report/unit/html/index.html --split-report tests/unit

# Running unit tests with code coverage using
coverage run --data-file=.coverage --rcfile=pyproject.toml -m pytest -ra --tb=line --color=yes tests/unit

# Write coverage report to console"
coverage report

# Convert coverage report to HTML
coverage html

# Convert coverage report to XML (Cobertura)
coverage xml

# Running unit tests using pytest
pytest -raP --color=yes tests\unit

# Running unit tests using pytest
pytest -raP --color=yes --junitxml=report\unit\unittest.xml --template=html1\index.html --report=report\unit\html\index.html --split-report tests\unit

# Running unit tests with code coverage using
coverage run --data-file=.coverage --rcfile=pyproject.toml -m pytest -ra --tb=line --color=yes tests\unit

# Write coverage report to console"
coverage report

# Convert coverage report to HTML
coverage html

# Convert coverage report to XML (Cobertura)
coverage xml

Running type checks

This package is provided with type checks. These can be executed locally for testing or development purposes using mypy. The artifact output directory is specified in pyproject.toml.

Ensure unit testing requirements are installed.


# Running type checking using mypy
mypy -p pyEDAA.OSVVM

# Running type checking using mypy
mypy -p pyEDAA.OSVVM

Building documentation

The documentation can be build locally using Sphinx. It can generate HTML and LaTeX outputs. In an additional step, the LaTeX output can be translated to a PDF file using a LaTeX environment like MiKTeX.

Ensure documentation requirements are installed.


# Adding package root to PYTHONPATH
export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)
cd doc

# Building documentation using Sphinx
sphinx-build -v -n -b html -d _build/doctrees -j $(nproc) -w _build/html.log . _build/html

# Adding package root to PYTHONPATH
export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)
cd doc

# Building documentation using Sphinx
sphinx-build -v -n -b latex -d _build/doctrees -j $(nproc) -w _build/latex.log . _build/latex


Describe LaTeX to PDF conversion on Linux using Miktex.


A Miktex installation is required.


# Building documentation using Sphinx
.\doc\make.bat html --verbose

# Building documentation using Sphinx
.\doc\make.bat latex --verbose


Describe LaTeX to PDF conversion on Windows using Miktex.


A Miktex installation is required.

Local Packaging and Installation via PIP

For development and bug fixing it might be handy to create a local wheel package and also install it locally on the development machine. The following instructions will create a local wheel package (*.whl) and then use PIP to install it. As a user might have a pyEDAA.OSVVM installation from PyPI, it’s recommended to uninstall any previous pyEDAA.OSVVM packages. (This step is also needed if installing an updated local wheel file with same version number. PIP will not detect a new version and thus not overwrite/reinstall the updated package contents.)

Ensure packaging requirements are installed.


# Package the code in a wheel (*.whl)
python3 -m build --wheel

# Uninstall the old package
python3 -m pip uninstall -y pyEDAA.OSVVM

# Install from wheel
python3 -m pip install ./dist/pyEDAA.OSVVM-0.3.0-py3-none-any.whl

# Package the code in a wheel (*.whl)
py -m build --wheel

# Uninstall the old package
py -m pip uninstall -y pyEDAA.OSVVM

# Install from wheel
py -m pip install .\dist\pyEDAA.OSVVM-0.3.0-py3-none-any.whl


The legacy ways of building a package using bdist_wheel and installation using install is not recommended anymore.