Command Line Interfaces


‘pyEDAA.UCIS Service Program’ to query and transform data to/from UCIS to any other format.

usage: pyedaa-ucis {help,version,export} ...
Currently the following output formats are supported:
  • Cobertura (statement coverage - Java oriented format)

pyedaa-ucis export

Export data from UCDB.

usage: pyedaa-ucis export [-h] [--ucdb UCDBFile] [--cobertura CoberturaFile]
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--ucdb <ucdbfile>

UCDB file in UCIS format (XML).

--cobertura <coberturafile>

Cobertura code coverage file (XML).


Merge statement coverage data for all instances of the same design unit.

pyedaa-ucis help

Display help page(s) for the given command name.

usage: pyedaa-ucis help [-h] [Command]

Print help page(s) for a command.

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

pyedaa-ucis version

Display version information.

usage: pyedaa-ucis version [-h]
-h, --help

show this help message and exit