Source code for pyEDAA.IPXACT

# ==================================================================================================================== #
#              _____ ____    _        _      ___ ______  __    _    ____ _____                                         #
#  _ __  _   _| ____|  _ \  / \      / \    |_ _|  _ \ \/ /   / \  / ___|_   _|                                        #
# | '_ \| | | |  _| | | | |/ _ \    / _ \    | || |_) \  /   / _ \| |     | |                                          #
# | |_) | |_| | |___| |_| / ___ \  / ___ \ _ | ||  __//  \  / ___ \ |___  | |                                          #
# | .__/ \__, |_____|____/_/   \_\/_/   \_(_)___|_|  /_/\_\/_/   \_\____| |_|                                          #
# |_|    |___/                                                                                                         #
# ==================================================================================================================== #
# Authors:                                                                                                             #
#   Patrick Lehmann                                                                                                    #
#                                                                                                                      #
# License:                                                                                                             #
# ==================================================================================================================== #
# Copyright 2017-2024 Patrick Lehmann - Bötzingen, Germany                                                             #
# Copyright 2016-2016 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany                                                               #
#                                                                                                                      #
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");                                                      #
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.                                                     #
# You may obtain a copy of the License at                                                                              #
#                                                                                                                      #
#                                                                         #
#                                                                                                                      #
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software                                                  #
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,                                                    #
# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.                                             #
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and                                                  #
# limitations under the License.                                                                                       #
#                                                                                                                      #
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0                                                                                  #
# ==================================================================================================================== #
"""A DOM based IP-XACT implementation for Python."""
from pathlib  import Path
from sys      import version_info
from textwrap import dedent
from typing import Union, Dict

from pyTooling.Decorators import export, readonly
from pyTooling.Common     import getResourceFile, getFullyQualifiedName
from pyTooling.Versioning import SemanticVersion, CalendarVersion

from . import Schema

__author__ =    "Patrick Lehmann"
__email__ =     ""
__copyright__ = "2016-2024, Patrick Lehmann"
__license__ =   "Apache License, Version 2.0"
__version__ =   "0.4.0"

[docs] @export class IpxactSchema: """Schema descriptor made of version, namespace prefix, URI, URL and local path.""" _version: Union[SemanticVersion, CalendarVersion] #: Schema version _namespacePrefix: str #: XML namespace prefix _schemaUri: str #: Schema URI _schemaUrl: str #: Schema URL _localPath: Path #: Local path
[docs] def __init__( self, version: Union[str, SemanticVersion, CalendarVersion], xmlNamespacePrefix: str, schemaUri: str, schemaUrl: str, localPath: Path ) -> None: """ Initializes an IP-XACT Schema description. :param version: Version of the IP-XACT Schema. :param xmlNamespacePrefix: XML namespace prefix (``<prefix:element>``) :param schemaUri: IP-XACT schema URI :param schemaUrl: URL the IP-XACT schema definition file (XSD). :param localPath: Path to the local XSD file. """ if version is None: raise ValueError(f"Parameter 'version' is None.") elif isinstance(version, str): if version.startswith("20"): self._version = CalendarVersion.Parse(version) else: self._version = SemanticVersion.Parse(version) elif isinstance(version, (SemanticVersion, CalendarVersion)): self._version = version else: ex = TypeError(f"Parameter 'version' is neither a 'SemanticVersion', a 'CalendarVersion' nor a string.") if version_info >= (3, 11): # pragma: no cover ex.add_note(f"Got type '{getFullyQualifiedName(version)}'.") raise ex if xmlNamespacePrefix is None: raise ValueError(f"Parameter 'namespacePrefix' is None.") elif not isinstance(xmlNamespacePrefix, str): ex = TypeError(f"Parameter 'namespacePrefix' is not a string.") if version_info >= (3, 11): # pragma: no cover ex.add_note(f"Got type '{getFullyQualifiedName(version)}'.") raise ex if schemaUri is None: raise ValueError(f"Parameter 'schemaUri' is None.") elif not isinstance(schemaUri, str): ex = TypeError(f"Parameter 'schemaUri' is not a string.") if version_info >= (3, 11): # pragma: no cover ex.add_note(f"Got type '{getFullyQualifiedName(schemaUri)}'.") raise ex if schemaUrl is None: raise ValueError(f"Parameter 'schemaUrl' is None.") elif not isinstance(schemaUrl, str): ex = TypeError(f"Parameter 'schemaUrl' is not a string.") if version_info >= (3, 11): # pragma: no cover ex.add_note(f"Got type '{getFullyQualifiedName(schemaUrl)}'.") raise ex if localPath is None: raise ValueError(f"Parameter 'localPath' is None.") elif not isinstance(localPath, Path): ex = TypeError(f"Parameter 'localPath' is not a Path.") if version_info >= (3, 11): # pragma: no cover ex.add_note(f"Got type '{getFullyQualifiedName(localPath)}'.") raise ex self._namespacePrefix = xmlNamespacePrefix self._schemaUri = schemaUri self._schemaUrl = schemaUrl self._localPath = localPath
@readonly def Version(self) -> Union[SemanticVersion, CalendarVersion]: return self._version @readonly def NamespacePrefix(self) -> str: return self._namespacePrefix @readonly def SchemaUri(self) -> str: return self._schemaUri @readonly def SchemaUrl(self) -> str: return self._schemaUrl @readonly def LocalPath(self) -> Path: return self._localPath
# version, xmlns, URI URL, Local Path _IPXACT_10 = IpxactSchema("1.0", "spirit", "", "", getResourceFile(Schema, "ipxact-1.0/index.xsd")) _IPXACT_11 = IpxactSchema("1.1", "spirit", "", "", getResourceFile(Schema, "ipxact-1.1/index.xsd")) _IPXACT_12 = IpxactSchema("1.2", "spirit", "", "", getResourceFile(Schema, "ipxact-1.2/index.xsd")) _IPXACT_14 = IpxactSchema("1.4", "spirit", "", "", getResourceFile(Schema, "ipxact-1.4/index.xsd")) _IPXACT_15 = IpxactSchema("1.5", "spirit", "", "", getResourceFile(Schema, "ipxact-1.5/index.xsd")) _IPXACT_2009 = IpxactSchema("2009", "spirit", "", "", getResourceFile(Schema, "ieee-1685-2009/index.xsd")) _IPXACT_2014 = IpxactSchema("2014", "ipxact", "", "", getResourceFile(Schema, "ieee-1685-2014/index.xsd")) _IPXACT_2022 = IpxactSchema("2022", "ipxact", "", "", getResourceFile(Schema, "ieee-1685-2022/index.xsd")) __VERSION_TABLE__: Dict[str, IpxactSchema] = { '1.0': _IPXACT_10, '1.1': _IPXACT_11, '1.4': _IPXACT_14, '1.5': _IPXACT_15, '2009': _IPXACT_2009, '2014': _IPXACT_2014, '2022': _IPXACT_2022 } #: Dictionary of all IP-XACT versions mapping to :class:`IpxactSchema` instances. __URI_MAP__: Dict[str, IpxactSchema] = {value.SchemaUri: value for key, value in __VERSION_TABLE__.items()} #: Mapping from schema URIs to :class:`IpxactSchema` instances. __DEFAULT_VERSION__ = "2022" #: IP-XACT default version __DEFAULT_SCHEMA__ = __VERSION_TABLE__[__DEFAULT_VERSION__] #: IP-XACT default Schema
[docs] @export class Vlnv: """VLNV data structure (Vendor, Library, Name, Version) as a unique identifier in IP-XACT.""" _vendor: str #: Vendor name in a VLNV unique identifier _library: str #: Library name in a VLNV unique identifier _name: str #: Component name in a VLNV unique identifier _version: SemanticVersion #: Version in a VLNV unique identifier
[docs] def __init__(self, vendor: str, library: str, name: str, version: Union[str, SemanticVersion]) -> None: """ Initializes the VLNV data structure. :param vendor: Vendor name in a VLNV unique identifier :param library: Library name in a VLNV unique identifier :param name: Component name in a VLNV unique identifier :param version: Version in a VLNV unique identifier """ if vendor is None: raise ValueError(f"Parameter 'vendor' is None.") elif not isinstance(vendor, str): ex = TypeError(f"Parameter 'vendor' is not a string.") if version_info >= (3, 11): # pragma: no cover ex.add_note(f"Got type '{getFullyQualifiedName(vendor)}'.") raise ex if library is None: raise ValueError(f"Parameter 'library' is None.") elif not isinstance(library, str): ex = TypeError(f"Parameter 'library' is not a string.") if version_info >= (3, 11): # pragma: no cover ex.add_note(f"Got type '{getFullyQualifiedName(library)}'.") raise ex if name is None: raise ValueError(f"Parameter 'name' is None.") elif not isinstance(name, str): ex = TypeError(f"Parameter 'name' is not a string.") if version_info >= (3, 11): # pragma: no cover ex.add_note(f"Got type '{getFullyQualifiedName(name)}'.") raise ex if version is None: raise ValueError(f"Parameter 'version' is None.") elif isinstance(version, str): self._version = SemanticVersion.Parse(version) elif isinstance(version, SemanticVersion): self._version = version else: ex = TypeError(f"Parameter 'version' is neither a 'SemanticVersion' nor a string.") if version_info >= (3, 11): # pragma: no cover ex.add_note(f"Got type '{getFullyQualifiedName(version)}'.") raise ex self._vendor = vendor self._library = library self._name = name
@readonly def Vendor(self) -> str: return self._vendor @readonly def Library(self) -> str: return self._library @readonly def Name(self) -> str: return self._name @readonly def Version(self) -> SemanticVersion: return self._version
[docs] def ToXml(self, indent=1, isVersionedIdentifier=False): """Converts the object's data into XML format.""" if isVersionedIdentifier: buffer = dedent("""\ {indent}<{xmlns}:vendor>{vendor}</{xmlns}:vendor> {indent}<{xmlns}:library>{library}</{xmlns}:library> {indent}<{xmlns}:name>{name}</{xmlns}:name> {indent}<{xmlns}:version>{version}</{xmlns}:version>\ """) else: buffer = """{indent}<{xmlns}:vlnv vendor="{vendor}" library="{library}" name="{name}" version="{version}"/>""" return buffer.format(indent= "\t" *indent, xmlns=__DEFAULT_SCHEMA__.NamespacePrefix, vendor=self._vendor, library=self._library, name=self._name, version=self._version)
[docs] @export class RootElement: """Base-class for all IP-XACT data classes.""" _vlnv: Vlnv #: VLNV unique identifier.
[docs] def __init__(self, vlnv: Vlnv) -> None: """ Initializes the RootElement with an VLNV field for all derives classes. :param vlnv: VLNV unique identifier. """ self._vlnv = vlnv
@classmethod def FromFile(cls, file): pass
[docs] @export class PyIpxactException(Exception): """Base-exception for all exceptions in this package."""